Our world can be overwhelming! Everywhere we look, the world seems to be on fire.
The problems of our time feel daunting until we cultivate our connection to wholeness and recognize the power of conscious change.
Leaders across the globe are feeling frustrated and running ragged. Burnout is at an all-time high. Personal well-being is at an all-time low. Meanwhile, the social and cultural change we work to create in our systems and organizations seems ever-out-of-reach.
At Conscious Togetherness, we are committed to unfolding a more empowering narrative for humanity, one epiphany and one decision at a time. We work to support the creation of a world where everyone can live in dignity and peace.
Our world can be overwhelming! Everywhere we look, the world seems to be on fire.
The problems of our time feel daunting until we cultivate our connection to wholeness and recognize the power of conscious change.
Leaders across the globe are feeling frustrated and running ragged. Burnout is at an all-time high. Personal well-being is at an all-time low. Meanwhile, the social and cultural change we work to create in our systems and organizations seems ever-out-of-reach.
At Conscious Togetherness, we are committed to unfolding a more empowering narrative for humanity, one epiphany and one decision at a time. We work to support the creation of a world where everyone can live in dignity and peace.
What We Believe

We live in cultures that idealize and perpetuate being disconnected from ourselves, and each other.
Then, we recreate the disconnects externally.
Working in jobs that are not aligned with our strengths, values, and passions
Tolerating toxic behavioral patterns
Sacrificing our health
Distracted by the next shiny thing
Thinking the world is too big for us to have an impact
When our energy is more focused on keeping our fears hidden, our crippling imposter syndrome at bay, and our image polished than it is in creating the life and future that will help us all thrive, we live in perpetual self-blame, self-shame, and denial. We do not recognize that our personal “failings” are often the result of larger systems that operate on paradigms of exclusion, extraction, power over, and a backwards relationship to our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health.
We help you create change at 4 levels.

Meanwhile, our world moves through a collective dark night of the soul.
We believe this moment in history, with all its crippling, overwhelming, and confusing moments, is calling us to bravely and unequivocally transform. To meet the challenges of our time with a larger dose of wisdom, courage, and grounded hope than we have ever mustered. To lead ourselves and future generations out of survival, out of the systemic inequities, and out of cultural beliefs and systemic status quos that normalize and enforce exhaustion, illness, conflict, war, and toxic leadership. It’s a win-lose model where even those perceived to win are losing.
Changing external policies is important, but will never be enough. We must heal the wounds and reclaim our wholeness to embody the new possibilities.
What We Believe

We help you create change at 4 levels.

We live in cultures that idealize and perpetuate being disconnected from ourselves, and each other.
Then, we recreate the disconnects externally.
working in jobs that are not aligned with our strengths, values, and passions
tolerating toxic behavioral patterns
sacrificing our health
distracted by the next shiny thing
thinking the world is too big for us to have an impact
When our energy is more focused on keeping our fears hidden, our crippling imposter syndrome at bay, and our image polished than it is in creating the life and future that will help us all thrive, we live in perpetual self-blame, self-shame, and denial. We do not recognize that our personal “failings” are often the result of larger systems that operate on paradigms of exclusion, extraction, power over, and a backwards relationship to our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health.
Meanwhile, our world moves through a collective dark night of the soul.
We believe this moment in history, with all its crippling, overwhelming, and confusing moments, is calling us to bravely and unequivocally transform. To meet the challenges of our time with a larger dose of wisdom, courage, and grounded hope than we have ever mustered. To lead ourselves and future generations out of survival, out of the systemic inequities, and out of cultural beliefs and systemic status quos that normalize and enforce exhaustion, illness, conflict, war, and toxic leadership. It’s a win-lose model where even those perceived to win are losing.
Changing external policies is important, but will never be enough. We must heal the wounds and reclaim our wholeness to embody the new possibilities.
"Once we see the damage being done to the whole,
we can no longer aggressively pursue the limited self-interest of the parts."
"Once we see the damage being done to the whole,
we can no longer aggressively pursue the limited self-interest of the parts."

We believe it’s time to stop forcing change and start unfolding it.
When we let go of the disempowering beliefs holding us hostage to a linear, extractive, and disconnected worldview, and focus on the universal principles that preserve humanity, we organically create environments that nurture personal and collective well-being, flow, empowerment, and coherence.
When we cultivate the skills to move through the world and make decisions with intentionality, awareness, and alignment, change emerges from effortless effort and holds the diverse needs of stakeholders with equal care.
While the journey may sound simple, the existing paradigm is deeply-rooted; and we can only address it with intentional, sustained, and cyclical growth, stemming from the wisdom of all ancient traditions, the interconnectedness of nature herself, and the courage, kindness, fierce love, and deep devotion to healing innate to every human.
Whether working with a person or a larger system, we hold the candle that lights the path to well-being, belonging, and peace. Across all programs, we enable Self-leadership for a better world. We work with you to see what is hidden below the surface and causing pain, and then find new ways of seeing, being, and doing and integrate these skills to sustain them.

Our leadership model weaves self-awareness, conscious communication and collaboration, conflict transformation, social equity, trauma-informed relating, and values-driven decision-making.
We believe it’s time to stop forcing change and start unfolding it.

When we let go of the disempowering beliefs holding us hostage to a linear, extractive, and disconnected worldview, and focus on the universal principles that preserve humanity, we organically create environments that nurture personal and collective well-being, flow, empowerment, and coherence.
When we cultivate the skills to move through the world and make decisions with intentionality, awareness, and alignment, change emerges from effortless effort and holds the diverse needs of stakeholders with equal care.
While the journey may sound simple, the existing paradigm is deeply-rooted; and we can only address it with intentional, sustained, and cyclical growth, stemming from the wisdom of all ancient traditions, the interconnectedness of nature herself, and the courage, kindness, fierce love, and deep devotion to healing innate to every human.
Whether working with a person or a larger system, we hold the candle that lights the path to well-being, belonging, and peace. Across all programs, we enable Self-leadership for a better world. We work with you to see what is hidden below the surface and causing pain, and then find new ways of seeing, being, and doing and integrate these skills to sustain them.
Our leadership model weaves self-awareness, conscious communication and collaboration, conflict transformation, social equity, trauma-informed relating, and values-driven decision-making.
Dive more deeply into our philosophy and framework on your own with this book!

Leaders, we know we have to let go of the old paradigm, but what exactly do we put in its place?
When Kawtar El Alaoui realized how deeply the old paradigms had failed her, it was almost too late. Her body failing, career falling apart, and support system fumbling to help, she realized resistance was futile. The only way out was through. To heal her life, Kawtar had to confront and replace nine disempowering beliefs that had held her hostage to a life of external privilege and internal chaos since childhood. What started as a personal journey unfolded into an embodied mission to help others to change the world more effectively.
This book will help you to improve your well-being and relationships, align your transformational intent and impact, catalyze change in culturally-appropriate ways, enhance your leadership, and advocate effectively.
Dive more deeply into our philosophy and framework on your own with this book!

Leaders, we know we have to let go of the old paradigm, but what exactly do we put in its place?
When Kawtar El Alaoui realized how deeply the old paradigms had failed her, it was almost too late. Her body failing, career falling apart, and support system fumbling to help, she realized resistance was futile. The only way out was through. To heal her life, Kawtar had to confront and replace nine disempowering beliefs that had held her hostage to a life of external privilege and internal chaos since childhood. What started as a personal journey unfolded into an embodied mission to help others to change the world more effectively.
This book will help you to improve your well-being and relationships, align your transformational intent and impact, catalyze change in culturally-appropriate ways, enhance your leadership, and advocate effectively.