9 Leadership Principles to Create Cultures of Well-being, Belonging, and Peace
by Kawtar El Alaoui

Available on Amazon Globally

Unfolding Peace
9 Leadership Principles to Create Cultures of Well-being, Belonging, and Peace
by Kawtar El Alaoui

Available on Amazon Globally
What Readers are Saying
"In Unfolding Peace, Kawtar El Alaoui has sounded a trumpet call to emerging and seasoned leaders working in service of others, guiding us to recognize that we can't build healthy and happy cultures without first taking the time to do our own inner work. Through her words, Kawtar empowers leaders to leverage individual strengths and experiences to lead their teams with empathy, agency, and courage. She uses her own experiences to provide tools and approaches to help leaders build resilience and navigate within rapid-change environments, while cultivating greater compassion and connection with their teams. This book is a powerful reminder that in order to create peace around us, we must first create it within us."
Dimple Dhabalia
“It takes tremendous inner growth, combined with deep study of the human journey of transformation, to reach the insights that Kawtar shares in this book. Each one is powerful and is up there with some of the finest work I have read on leadership and personal evolution. Unabashedly so! What a gift to leaders and to people everywhere. This book is all about integrating the elements of heart, mind, and soul, and gloriously and authentically stepping into your own story."
Urja Shah
“Kawtar brings to this book simplicity and authenticity that speaks to the heart and taps into our essence—our collective potential as human beings. In her work, there lies the hope for understanding what we must arrest, and hence change, about how we function and think and validate within us. This book inspires us to look at new ways of being and doing. It is a call to revealing the true essence of what it means to be humans who co-create on this planet.”
Vikram Bhatt
“‘I’ has reached its limit. Without abandoning ‘I,’ our human family now needs to develop the fullness of ‘We’ – Conscious Togetherness. ‘We’ is the way forward. We need ‘We’ to solve our collective problems and take humanity to its next evolutionary level. This book is a beacon helping light this new path. Buy it, read it, and watch how it contributes to your ‘We’ and to a much better world.”
Martin Rutte
"This book is a must read for everyone who is brave enough to take a long journey to their closest and farthest point of self. The reader knows that it is a hard and a long journey but also acknowledges that the end of the journey is a rewarding one, and patience is a good friend. It was an enlightening experience to read this brilliant book and have Kawtar’s company during our inner self journey, which gave us the support and the encouragement to choose the light. It was also a pleasure being a part of this book as well and I hope everyone enjoys it as much as I did!"
Birsu Karaarslan, MA Development Studies
“This piece of art that Kawtar has written is not just a book — it’s a life-changing ‘deep conversation’ that shakes you out of everything and anything that has been bogging you down. I really appreciate how the book does not just stop at abstract talk and quotes. Instead, it delves into the science and practical methods by which you can change your life RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW. Above all, I appreciate Kawtar’s willingness to open up about her personal experience of struggle; her vulnerability made me feel validated and gave me the courage to begin taking care of my own emotional state. Especially at a time in which everyone all around the world feels so stuck and helpless, I hope this book can be a beacon of hope, and the start of something amazing within each and every person.”
Jiwon Lee
“Kawtar's insight is shining a light and creating a path for anyone who wants a deeper understanding of what it means to be human.
Unfolding Peace is a book to do inner work that is not always easy to do and will begin to open up the Being you were born to be by aligning your power through vulnerability, while honoring and healing your spirit to awaken and connect to the people we truly are. This book is a gift and much more. It is filled with practical inner work to have us discover the journey that will leave a positive impact for what our soul is calling for with love and peace.”
Wendy Schneider
“What is modern life asking from us? How do we lead ourselves, and how do we interact with others? These questions are not always common to ask ourselves.
Since the first moment I met Kawtar a few years ago, I was struck by her authenticity, her powerful and carefully chosen communication, and her truly extraordinary, developed skill of deep listening. In my life, she is a person on my list of ‘who to contact to discover blind spots whether that is a thought, a feeling, or physical symptom.’ I trust her because she will be there for me without any judgments and always get to the point. Now that her book is here, the whole world can have access to Kawtar’s wisdom!
This book a guide for all of us readers who are willing to take the steps to a purposeful life without any vagueness. Her story, solid background information, honest shares, and practical examples and exercises help us to integrate all the steps ourselves. Kawtar invites us, challenges us, to take the necessary steps to break through the limiting patterns that keep us from living a fulfilled, purposeful, aligned life.
This isn't just another self-development book because it is written by Kawtar, who is living proof, walking the talk that we all can become conscious leaders, starting with leading ourselves and from there be the change the world needs now more than ever.”
Nienke van Bezooijen

"Once we see the damage being done to the whole,
we can no longer aggressively pursue the limited self-interest of the parts."
"Once we see the damage being done to the whole,
we can no longer aggressively pursue the limited self-interest of the parts."